Creating new Applications

How to create a new application

From the View definition admin App click the “Add App” button


Provide a title for the new application to be created and select a source cube, then click “Create”



The new application will become visible in the View definition admin App, having a new empty dashboard as part of it. Click on the first edit button of the new application, to edit its settings:



Select the desired icon in the “App Launcher Icon” field, for example “fa fa-money”. Select “Yes” for “Show in App Launcher” or “Show in Appbar” options or both, in order to display the new application in the App Launcher and/or in the Appbar.  After refreshing the page, the new apps will become visible:


Moreover, through the “Active” option is possible to hide the new application to users (i.e. in App Launcher and Navigation bar) when “No” is selected. An UX admin will always be able to see it in the View definition admin App and re-enable it for users or edit. For example, by setting “Active” to “No” value and then refreshing the page


The “Example application” just created is no longer visible inside the App Launcher and Navigation bar (hence, for users) while it is still visible in the View definition admin App:

Creating a new screen

For an existing application, click the “Add” button

You can then select View, Dashboard or Wizard as the screen type to add to the application

Provide a Title and select a cube source and click “Create”:

Open the Dashboard Settings panel end edit if necessary:

Open the Display Settings and resize the widget if necessary. One widget is automatically created inside the Dashboard


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