Working with Wizards

How to create a Wizard and define steps

It is possible to create a Wizard inside an existing application. In the “View definition” application, inside the desired application, click the “Add” button and select “Wizard”:

Assign a wizard title and a reference cube, then click “Create”

After refreshing the page, the wizard will be visible under the corresponding application and it will be possible to add wizard steps by clicking the “Add” button of the Wizard:

A new step is created by default with a View inside of it. Nevertheless, it is possible to add more views or dashboards within a Step and configure them as usual. For example, if a second step is added to the “Example Wizard” just created and then a dashboard is added to this second step (in addition to the view that comes by default with it), the result would be as following. ¨

When opening the Wizard the first step is displayed:

The first component of the step 1 is shown. In this case it is a view named “Step1 View” and it is the only one. Components (views and dashbords) forming a step are shown in the left pane and are selectable:

It is possible to move to the next step (in general trough steps) using the buttons in the bottom

Clicking the next button brings the user to the next component of the same step or, if not any, to the next step. In this case it brings to the second step, named “Wizard Step2:

This stem contains one View and One Dashboard, selectable in the left pane:

Also clicking the “Next” button again, will be enough to move from the view to the dashboard:

Note: it is also possible to create complex logic for moving from one step to the next one only when certain conditions are met (e.g. data input forms are fulfilled) or after some data validations return success. In the same way it is also possible to disable the “Back” button when certain conditions are met. To implement such functionalities the Advanced Options are leveraged. Please, refer to the dedicated section or to the Develop guide for additional details.


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