Working with Views

How to create a view

Similarly to the Dashboard example, in the View definition admin application, click the “Plus” button of one available application (in this case, let’s use “Example application” again) and select “View”:

Insert a name for the view, select a cube to query and press “Create”

Unlike regular cube views that you would be used to in other TM1 interfaces such as PAX, TM1 Web or PAW a View in Apliqo UX allows you to “glue multiple slices together” within a single grid. The slices or “sub-views” in Apliqo UX don’t even have to be from the same cube. All that is required is that each sub-view uses the same row dimension and row members.

By default, a new view is created with one table inside, named “New SubVew” It is possible to change the table name and settings using the usual edit buttons, and it is possible to add more tables, using the “Plus” button in the View definition row and selecting “Table”. Let’s create a second table inside the new view and rename the first table as “Table 1”:

Now, the view is made up of two tables:

Multiple tables in one view are useful to query data from different cubes and show them together. In the same way is also possible to still query the same cube but change the setup of columns / rows elements to show the data in different formats. For example, using the same elements on the rows, one could have the first 12 columns coming from the Month dimension and additional 3 columns (in a separate table) coming from the Version dimension, to show 3 different versions of the yearly total. The data will appear like in one, seamless table to the users.

An example of using multiple tables to aggregate data in one view

For example, in the following view available in the Demo instance, under “Expense planning” and named “Expense Overview by Region”, the columns from January to December are from the “Period” dimension, while the following ones are from the “Version” dimension

It looks like just one big table, but actually this is made of two tables inside the same view, both having the same setup for rows:

By trying to edit the view it possible to check how the tables are configured:

The first one is named “Month Input” and has the “Period” dimension on columns. The subset retrieved is “All Periods”.

The second table, instead, is named “Version Compare” and has the “Version” dimension on the Columns:

Displaying Sparklines

As visible in the last example, the view shows an extra column named “Phasing”, showing a small graph of the months values:

To enable something like this, as visible in the configuration of the first table of the view, one needs to select the “Sparklines” option and give the extra column a name inside the “Sparklines Column Name” field:

Grouping selections on columns

Still referring to the previous example, it possible to note that for the first table in the view, in the Columns configuration the “Selection type” option is set to “Multi”. This option is available when the “Column” button is enabled in the toolbar and allows the user to select the elements to be shown on columns ticking them one by one or in groups per consolidated element.

The result in the view column button is like this:

In the second table of the view, instead, the selection type is set to “Single” and the two additional fields “Selection type group name” and “Selection type column name” are populated:

This allows to group all the columns coming from the second table definition and being able to select or deselect them in one go just by ticking one item named like the value defined in field “Selection type column name” (i.e. Version Summary in this case). The result in the view column button is like this:

Overall, combining the two tables settings, the Column buttons show the following selections:


Note that since the Multi selection is enabled in the first table, plus the extra column “Phasing” is defined to show the sparklines, there is also an additional selector called “Phasing”.

Note also that the Multiple selector reflects the hierarchy of the dimension: elements are grouped by parents and “Check all” button will select all the elements under that parent, “Clear” will unselect them. By unticking some elements and refreshing the page, the corresponding columns will disappear.

For the Version elements instead, since the selection is Single and grouped, by unticking “Version Summary”, all the version related columns will not be displayed. In fact, trying to untick it and “Phasing” as well

This is the outcome:

How to edit the style and color of columns

In the example in section 6.1 is visible that some columns are shown as numbers, while the last one as a variance chart:

To set this behavior it is necessary to use some particular attributes on the dimension put on columns (and create them if not existing). The attributes names should be “ibcs-class” and “Color”. The values of these attributes will be picked from the Apliqo UX and used to apply styles to columns and to their headers. Here is how these attributes are set for the Version dimension in the demo model:

The element “Act vs But” has the ibcs-class set to “var” and that is why it is shown as a variance graph in the Apliqo UX view.

Moreover, when using a view, is also possible to set it as a table, rather than a grid. For example, opening the “Financial Performance by Account” example under the “Analytics” application, and editing its display properties, the “Table type” is set to “table”:

In the previous example it was instead set to “grid”:

When using table styles are applied to columns headers too, using both the “Color” and “icbs-class” attributes just seen. Here a screenshot of the result. Compare it with the values of the attributes for the Version dimension elements (the last two columns are shown as percentage variance graph):


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