Working With Dashboards

Creating a new dashboard

For an existing application, click Add button – Dashboard

Provide a Title and select a cube source and click “Create”

Open the Dashboard Settings panel end edit if necessary

Open the Display Settings and resize the widget if necessary. One widget is automatically created inside the Dashboard

It is also possible to click on the widget additional settings ("three dots") button to copy it.

Click on the cube button to set the type and the query of each of the Widgets:

How to configure a widget

It is possible to set the Widget as active or not. A Widget Type can be set to any one of the following:

In the cube selector it is possible to select a Cube from which retrieve the data. After doing this, it is possible to refine the view by setting the filters and setting up elements for rows and dimensions:

Drag and drop the dimension in one of the available sections:

  • Global filters apply globally in the Dashboard, that is to all of the Widgets making it up
  • Widget filters apply to the selected Widget only
  • For both Global and Widget filter, “Fixes” means that the admin has to select one specific element of the dimension and the end user will not be allowed to change it
  • In Rows and Columns sections it is possible to move dimensions to be used on rows and columns axis respectively. It is possible to stack several dimensions for both axis.

For example, let’s consider the Year dimension and put it in the global filter area. Click on it and set the properties:

  • Label: a label to be shown
  • ListType: elements to be picked from the dimension and how to pick them (i.e. using a subset, MDX expression. The following are the possible choices

When subset is selected, a list of subsets is displayed to choose among them:

And in Value it is possible to select the default element to be picked when the view opens:

Important: after selecting the desired value, click of the “select” button it blue to make it effective before moving to the next dimension.

If Elements Comparison is chosen, two elements, respectively Value and ValueMax, need to be chosen, to compare their values. This is useful when setting the dimension on the rows:

Attribute: select an attribute to be displayed as element placeholder. It has not necessarily to be an alias:

MDX: after the selections are made, the corresponding MDX is shown:

  • If the ListType is set to “MDX”, then it is of curse possible to manually edit the MDX.
  • Note: use the reset button in red to restore the selection made or if the case you are having troubles with one dimension in the view.

Important: to retrieve the list of dimension elements when REST API are in use, the }ElementAttributes_dimname cube has to be queried. So, ensure that each dimension used has at least one attribute and that all users with access to the dimension must also have read access to the }ElementAttributes cube.

Make similar selections for the other dimensions. When it comes to the Columns, is also possible to enable the zero suppression:

For the rows, it is similarly possible to turn on zero suppression, plus the “EnableHyperlinkSettings” button is used to make the row elements Active: when clicking on one of them the context of the dashboard switches to that element, adapting any internal or global filer on that same dimension. Similarly, the “ShowHierarchy” option is used to enable the hierarchized display of the dimension: when selected the drill functionality will be available and indentation on different levels will be applied.

Set the “Example application” as active, refresh the page and open the dashboard just created:

Click on the “Active filters” button: now it is possible to change the selection accordingly to the settings chosen. In fact, the Year selector has only the chosen element (2012):

 While for the others title dimension is possible to select among the elements of the chose subset:

Set internal filters for different widgets

Inside the created Dashboard, it is possible to directly access the edit buttons by clicking the arrow button on the upper right area of the screen:

Close-up of Edit Dashboard Toolbar

Click on the cube edit button:

Now both the widgets are showing the same data, since they are querying the same cube using the same global filters and having the same setup for rows and columns. Let’s move the Year filter inside the Widget filter area as a Fix filter, to differentiate the year shown in the widgets:

Do the same for Widget 2, then set the filter value to “2012” element in the first Widget and to “2013” in the second:

Rename the names of widgets respectively to “Year 2012” and “Year 2013”:

Refresh the page. Now two different year are displayed in left and right widgets:

How to enable Hyperlink Settings and Hierarchies / Drill function on rows

Note that in the screenshot above the “ShowHierarchy” and “EnableHyperlinkSettings”options are only enabled in the left widget. In fact, only in the left one the row element are in blue and clickable, plus the drill function is enabled. Enable them also in the right one:

As a result, in both widgets the hierarchy is shown and the drill functionality is available:

Creating and editing charts in dashboards

It is possible to display graphs inside Dashboards inserting and configuring one or more Widgets. Let’s use our already created “Example Dashboard” and add a new Widget named “Highcharts”. Edit the settings and as “Widget Type” select “Highcharts”. Possible choices are:

Then, for the highchart, another selection is possible, “Chart Type”:

Let’s select “line” and choose cube “General Ledger”. It is also possible to customize the Height:

Set the cube query as for the “Year 2012” widget (refer to section 5), but restricting the Version to “Actual” and the Account to “Element drill” of element 80 “Other Income and Expense”:

Let’s now clone the “Highchart” widget and set different types of graphs:

The result is like the following:

Map Charts

A map graph is a way of showing regional data on a geo map. Each value will be shown on the corresponding area. The map will also be active: clicking on a region / country will update the Dashboard by setting the corresponding filters and consequently updating the other Widgets in the same Dashboard.

As an example let’s have a look to the “Geo Analysis” Dashboard, available in the “Dashboard” application of the Demo model:

Here a world map is displayed in the left Widget showing data for several countries. Hovering the pointer over a country will display the corresponding value:

Clicking on Brazil will cause a refresh of the Dasboard, showing the corresponding values in the widget on the right:

Inside the map, higher values are shown with darker shades of the color, a scale is also available in the bottom of the map. Moreover, zoom buttons are available as well as a print button with the following functions:

Let’s click on the settings button to understand how the map widget is configured:

The Widget type is set to “highmaps”. This is required to create a map graph. Then the cube from which pull the data is selected and the map is also selected from a list.

Advanced options are also used to set special parameters of the map.

Let’s check now how the query is setup. To let the map show data, only one value needs to be retrieved for each area of the map. Hence, on the rows only one element selection is done, in this case it is the “Amount” element of the “General Ledger Measure” dimension:

On the columns, instead, it is necessary to have the “Region” dimension and to pick the elements using and attribute containing the ISO code of the chosen region. For the map to work and link the data to the areas, this ISO code retrieved on the columns has to match the ISO code of the area, the is stored inside the medadata of the map itself. This way, the map graph can understand to which area bind each value coming as part of the query result.

In this example, the “All N Elements” subset of the “Region” dimension is retrieved on columns, using the “CountryCode” attribute:

Inside the attributes cube is clearly visible that this attribute contains the ISO codes of countries, as required:

KPI Charts

The KPI chart is a combined chart showing both numbers, a variance chart and a bar chart.

 One example KPI chart is available in the Demo instance under “Dasboards” – “Regional KPI”. Here the first widget, named “Regions Variance” is set as a KPI chart.

In order to have a working KPI chart, the query behind needs to be set properly with each element to display as a KPI chart on rows and columns representing value, base value (for variance calc), and a time series. To see the required format you can just change the widget type in the demo application from KPI to “Table” or “Grid” and see the required data grid layout of the view.

This is how the widget is configured:

On the columns, the Period dimension is set to retrieve the level 0 elements:

These are used to generate the bar chart inside the KPI Report:

On the rows, the “Region” and “Version” dimensions are stacked. The first one is set to retrieve the “Default subset”:

These elements are used to generate the different blocks making the KPI report, one for each Region element:

The “Version” dimension, on rows, is set to perform a comparison between elements “1” and “2”

That is “Actual” and “Budget”, respectively, if shown using Description alias:

These two elements are used in the chart to produce variance values and bars:


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