New Features and Enhancements

1. Referencing column headers in custom formulas

2022 June FP1 release introduces enhancement that will allow users to take full advantage of adding custom formulas, namely the ability to reference column headers. 

New custom function =COLHEAD(1,0)

  • First parameter refers to column number (starting from 0 for column A) 
  • The second parameter specifies the column header index and is needed only if nested column headers are used, in which case the user must specify the header row. The default value if omitted is 0. 

Without specifying second parameter:

Stacked dimensions: 

2. Placeholder substitution for attribute property of rowFormat and colFormat

A small improvement that allows users to use placeholder syntax as an attribute substitute when formatting columns and rows.


  "table": {
       "columnFormat": {
      "": [
          "attribute": "$<<UX_Demo.}ElementAttributes_Region.}ElementAttributes_Region>>"
Click to copy

3. Column Filters in cube viewer widget

Another addition in this version is the option to enable column filters (working on the same principle as currently available filters in views and grid widgets) in the cube viewer.

4. Card "height" improvements

If the card height is set to auto, the widget will automatically adjust the card height based on its content. 

Users can also use % value (e.g. 50% or 100%), in which case the widget will take a given percentage of the page height.


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