Bug Fixes

  1. Improved chart rendering
  2. Decimal comma separator ignored when dragging the value to other cells (e.g. fill down, fill accross)
  3. Export to excel with hidden columns not working 
  4. #142: Symbol issue: | will be replaced by /
  5. #322: UX converts pipe ( | ) to forward slash ( / ) in widget title text
  6. #438: Pipe ( | ) converted to forward slash ( / ) in element names in MDX
  7. #396: Wrong indentation in hierarchy in cube viewer
  8. #409: Conditional formatting conditions don't work properly
  9. #412: Export in load format - column element ids are display attribute not element principal name
  10. #425: Drill shows NaN where there is null data
  11. #427: Negative number formatting is wrong when the value is 0 or 0.xxxx
  12. #430: Export to Excel not working within Wizards


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