New Control Parameters

New Application Constants

The default.constants.js file is located in the apq-c3-custom/js folder within the web app directory of the root install directory of your Apliqo Application server.

This file stores default constants for the Apliqo UX application. The 2021.11 version includes the following new application constants:  


  • Default value = true. If this parameter is omitted or set to true then the old login behavior is applied and Apliqo UX will attempt to connect to all instances defined in the instances.json file using the entered credentials. Should credentials not match for the user between all instances then the user will be presented with additional logon challenge dialogs
  • If set to to false: with multiple instances defined in instances.json file set this option to false to change to way App handles the login process. Initially only the instance(s) defined in loginInstances parameter will be connected to. Authentication to additional instances will happen only after navigating to screens which require data from the additional instances.

The additional authentication option offers a potential optimization in cases where apps contain references to an instance which is seldom used and prevents erroneous timeout and re-authentication challenge for instances which the user is not actively using.


'lang':  {

          'numericSymbols': ["K", "M", "B", "T", "P", "E"]   


  • update default numeric exponentiation abbreviation symbols for highcharts. 

New Advanced Options

Version 2021.11 includes the following new advanced options to control the features and behavior of Widgets in UX applications.

Table Config
 "table": {
    "showInsertedRowsAndColumns": true, 
    "nestedHierarchies": true,
    "adHocColumns": {
    	"columnDimensionButton": false,
        "columnDefaultElements": {
        	"Year": {
          		"dimension": "Year",
          		"hierarchy": "Year",
          		"subset": "All N Elements",
          		"defaultElement": "2016"
        	"Version": {
          		"dimension": "Version",
          		"hierarchy": "Version",
          		"subset": "All N Elements",
          		"defaultElement": "Actual"
Click to copy

"showInsertedRowsAndColumns" : Enable/Disable display of inserted rows and columns in the table.

"nestedHierarchies": Setting to true will create a new mdx query for every expand/collapse of a parent. Setting to false (the default behavior) will create a mdx query only on expand and collapsing will simply hide rows in the table. The default behavior is faster/more efficient but in some edge cases may result in incorrect indentation and/or ordering of elements. Enforcing a fresh mdx request ensures indentation and ordering is always correct.

"columnDimensionButton" : Set to true to allow adHoc column editing (activates new toolbar buttons set: Add Column, Duplicate Columns, Remove Columns and Save Columns, which is only available in edit mode).

"columnDefaultElements" : Define the default parameters of the column that will be added after selecting new Add Column toolbar button. 

"chartOptions": {
    "waterfall": {
      "yAxisMinAuto": true,
      "singleFirstPoint": {
        "color": "#004992FF"
Click to copy

"singleFirstPoint" : Change the color of the first column in single element waterfall chart

"yAxisMinAuto" : Change the scaling of y-axis in single element waterfall chart.

  • If set to true y-Axis min value based on the spread of the values in the waterfall chart will be set automatically. 
  • The value for "yAxisMinAuto" option can be set as number as well, where the min value is a multiple of the spread of values. 

In cases where the variance explained by the waterfall is a small portion of the overall category value setting a manual Y axis minimum value can be used to make seeing differences between columns and sources of variance easier.

"chartOptions": {
    "waterfall": {
      "yAxisMinAuto": 0.2,
Click to copy
  "chartOptions": {
    "setSmallValuesToNull": true,
    "maxSmallValueToNull": "0.00001"
Click to copy
  • "setSmallValuesToNull" :  Specify whether you wish small numbers to be set to null. Default is false.
  • "maxSmallValueToNull": Manually adjust max value threshold till which small numbers will be set to null


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