Upgrade to 2021.05 process

Online Upgrade process (Pulse)

 If you have Cubewise Pulse installed you can use the online migration package below which will automate the entire upgrade process and skip to step 2.

2021.05 Pulse Online Package

In case Pulse is not available, you can use the following offline package.

2021.05 Offline Loose File Package

For Pulse online package migration Pulse version 5.8.x is required.

Note:  Upgrade your Content Store instance first. After completing the Content Store update, you can then simply use the installer and update your existing webapps to complete the upgrade process.

Offline package process (loose file upgrade)

Step 0: 

  • Stop the Content store service 
  • take a backup of the current content store
  • unzip the Offline loose file package to a local directory

Step 1: 

  • copy ALL objects from the offline package to the existing content store data folder (override files which exist already in the directory)
  • start the ContentStore TM1 service 
  • Re-run the process }APQ.UX.Server.Upgrade

After the process has completed you can run the installer to update your existing web apps to the latest version.

Running }APQ.UX.Server.Upgrade process will clear the attributes from }APQ UX AppSubType }APQ cube including DefaultJSON. If used please make a backup in advance and restore the content after running the process.

Step 2:

  • run the installer:
  • update the required webapps.

Optional:  You can always choose to update the Demo application by leaving the Demo_Application check box on. This will reset the standard demo environment with our latest features examples.

Optional:  In most cases , when doing an upgrade , you do not need to include the 'Install Apliqo Server' item (only if a new version of Tomcat has been released and you need to upgrade your current version).

AFTER CONTENTSTORE UPGRADE: update allowedRestPaths property

After upgrading to UX 2021.05 version it will be necessary to update the allowedRestPaths property under settings.json for each web application - located under WEB-INF\Config.

"allowedRestPaths": [
      "path": "/ExecuteProcessWithReturn",
      "method": "POST"
      "path": "/Users.*",
      "method": "PATCH"
      "path": "/Cubes(.*)",
      "method": "GET"
      "path": "/Cubes(.*)",
      "method": "POST"
      "path": "/Cubes(.*)",
      "method": "PATCH"
      "path": "/Cubes(.*)",
      "method": "DELETE"
      "path": "/Dimensions(.*)",
      "method": "POST"
      "path": "/Dimensions(.*)",
      "method": "PATCH"
      "path": "/Dimensions(.*)",
      "method": "DELETE"
      "path": "/Cellsets(.*)",
      "method": "POST"
      "path": "/Cellsets(.*)",
      "method": "DELETE"
      "path": "/\\$metadata.*",
      "method": "GET"
      "path": "/Threads.*",
      "method": "GET"
      "path": "/Threads.*",
      "method": "PATCH"
      "path": "/Threads(.*)",
      "method": "POST"
Click to copy


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