Bug Fixes

  1. #96: Cross-Drill on Glued Cube View
  2. #172: HTML tooltips and Excel export
  3. #185: Column header tooltips interfere with column formatting
  4. #250 DBRW Formulas return error on sorted tables
  5. #266: View Export to Excel with filters applied not working (filters not applied)
  6. #267: Inserted columns not exported to Excel
  7. #268: Setting service not updating automatically (Widgets)
  8. #272: var ibcs-class presenting wrong numbers for %-formatted measures
  9. #278: ApliqoServer\py\settings.json overwritten
  10. Cross drill on first row element doesn't work for columns with formulas
  11. Table filters display principal values instead of attributes
  12. Print button can't be shown unless export to PDF is enabled
  13. Excel headers are not removed when Edit Mode is toggled off
  14. Consolidated elements in the variance chart can't be expanded 

Issue with printing to PDF on linux has been resolved and instruction on how to configure Export to PDF functionality is available in Installing Apliqo on a linux server article. 


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