New Control Parameters

New Application Constants

The default.constants.js file is located in the apq-c3-custom/js folder within the web app directory of the root install directory of your Apliqo Application server.

This file stores default constants for the Apliqo UX application.The 2021.02 version includes the following new application constants:  

"DEFAULT_SUBSETS_ARRAY":  ['Default', 'Standard']

  • Set the default subsets in the array to load it in the subset dropdown. If the defined default subsets exist then these will be displayed on launching the subset editor rather than all members. For customers with very large dimensions this can be a significant optimization and improve the user experience. 

"exportPDFDefaultOptions": ["A5","PORTRAIT","jpeg"]

  • Provide the export options to the default pdf.I.e: [{PDFSIZE},{PDFORENTATION},{PDFEXPORTFORMAT}]

"customExportOptions": {



                "pageOutputTypes": ["pdf","jpeg","png"]


  • Provide custom options to the custom export

For Wizard, we made changes to the back and next button in this version. The wizard will now wait for the function to return before progressing.  If True is returned it will progress.  If false is returned it will not progress.

New Advanced Options

Version 2021.02 includes the following new advanced options to control the features and behaviour of Widgets in UX applications.

"toolbar": {
    "exportPDFButtonEnabled": true,
    "exportExcelWithFiltersButtonEnabled": true,
    "exportExcelButtonEnabled": true,
Click to copy

exportPDFButtonEnabled: Be able to globally disable the ability to export to PDFs.

exportCustomButtonEnabled To disable the custom export, set this to false. By default, set to true

exportExcelButtonEnabled: Enable the export to excel button.

exportExcelWithFiltersButtonEnabled: Enable the export to excel with the filters button.

TI Process
 "process": {
     "statusNotifications": {
         "success": {
         "failed": {
Click to copy

goToNextStep: If set to true, redirects to next step (wizard only).

goToPrevStep: If set to true, redirects to the previous step (wizard only).

"table": {
	"columnFormat": {
        "columnName": [
            "readOnly": false
        "columnName": [
            "dataColumn": "",
    "rowFormat": {
      "rowName": [
          "readOnly": false
      "rowName": [
          "dataRow": "",
Click to copy

readOnly: Whether the entire row/column should be set as readOnly 

dataRow: Set formatting based on another row on the grid

dataColumn: Set formatting based on another column on the grid


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