New Control Parameters

New Application Constants

The default.constants.js file is located in the apq-c3-custom/js folder within the web app directory of the root install directory of your Apliqo Application server.

This file stores default constants for the Apliqo UX application. Version includes the following new application constants:   


  • Set the login and logout background by mentioning the image name. Both pages share the same config key. By default if the image name is omitted it is set to the default Apliqo UX background.

Note: Custom login/logout images should be located in the apq-c3-custom/image folder.

New Advanced Options

Version includes the following new advanced options to control the features and behavior of Widgets in UX applications.

Widget - (Grid and Views)
"targetView": [
Click to copy

allowDrillFromCell:  Allow cell settings to be applied to settings service and navigate from cell to another view.

showCellAsHyperlink: Apply hyperlink formatting to the cell to enable navigation from the cell via single left mouse-click.

"table": {
  "copyPaste": {
    "columnsLimit": 1000,
    "rowsLimit": 1000
Click to copy

columnsLimit: The maximum number of columns that can be copied

rowsLimit:  The maximum number of rows that can be copied

Widget - KPI Trend
"kpiTrend": {
   "measureAttribute": "Test",
   "fixedTooltip": true,
   "tooltipOverride": "Δ Plan"
Click to copy

measureAttribute: Mention the attribute name to drive the description after the value

fixedTooltip: Set to true to display the tooltip as static text on the screen 

tooltipOverride: Set the text to replace the tooltip icon  

Widget - Chart options
  "chartOptions": {
  	"heatmap": {
         "borderWidth": 1,
         "dataLabels": {
             "enabled": true
     "colorAxis": {
         "stops": [
     "yAxis": {
         "title": {
             "enabled": true
     "xAxis": {
         "title": {
             "enabled": true
Click to copy

heatmap: Object containing borderWidth and dataLabels configurations. Used in heatmap charts. This is applied to the heatmap series (i.e. the series on the rows unless x & y axes are inverted).

colorAxis: Use this in cases where a linear gradient between a minColor and maxColor is not sufficient. The stop is an array of tuples, where the first item is a float between 0 and 1 assigning the relative position in the gradient, and the second item is the colour.

yAxis: The Y axis or value axis. Normally this is the vertical axis, though if the chart is inverted this is the horizontal axis. 

  • Set the title object to true to display the axis title (by default the caption attribute of the hierarchy assigned to the axis unless overwritten by  "title" field entry)

xAxis: The X axis or category axis. Normally this is the horizontal axis, though if the chart is inverted this is the vertical axis. 

  • Set the title object to true to display the axis title (by default the caption attribute of the hierarchy assigned to the axis unless overwritten by  "title" field entry)


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