New Features and Enhancements

1. UX Drill-Through from a cell

This feature does not refer to classic TM1 drill-through but rather contextual navigation from one screen in Apliqo UX to another.

UX allows setting up a drill-through from any table cell in either a Grid Widget or View. (Previously this feature was available at row level and not individual cells and consequently passed row context to the navigation but not column dimension context).

When drilling from a cell, both the row and column element names are passed to the target view as setting service values. This feature is illustrated in the following 2 examples:

The row context of "Bikes" and column context of "May" are applied to the filter selection when navigating to the target screen called "Results".

Note: This feature is inactive by default. For a UX Drill-through to be active either at row or cell level, the navigation targets (and the rows/cells to which the navigation applies) must first be defined using the advanced options.

The row context of "Accessories" and column context of "Apr" are applied to the filter selection when navigating to the target screen called "Results".

2. Charting

2.1. New chart type : Heat map

Apliqo UX introduces "Heatmap" as a new chart type.

2.2. Apply percent format to data-point labels

Data-point popup text and data labels now respect member formatting when formatted as percent (%).

3. Pop-Up size selection and position change

3.1. Size Selection

End users can now resize any Pop-Up to Large, Medium, Small or Full Screen Mode. The sizes are as follows:

  • Small : 25% of available screen width assigned to the browser window
  • Medium : 50% of available screen width assigned to the browser window
  • Large : 75% of available screen width assigned to the browser window
  • Full screen : all of available browser window

Note: for small, medium and large Pop-Up sizes only the width is scaled. The height of the Pop-Up widget will remain whatever has been assigned as the widget height in the advanced options.

Tip: If no Pop-Up size is set then the default size is large (75% of available browser window). This ensures backwards compatibility with apps built in prior versions. Power users can now also set the default size for each Pop-Up which is stored in the settings JSON object.

3.2. Pop-Up modal window position change

The position of Pop-Ups can now be changed by simply dragging the title bar of the Pop-Up modal to another location on the screen.

The combination of resizing and moving Pop-Ups can be very useful especially when inputting data in a Pop-Up and either seeing reference data in the main screen and/or observing updates in the main screen during the data entry.

4. Managing Private Views

The "Maintenance" wizard of the "Content Store Toolkit" app (added in 2.5.2) has had a screen added for managing private views.

From the User Settings > Private Apps sub-step of the wizard you have the options of Delete, Copy and Publish actions for private views of all users.

  • Delete : permanently deleted the selected private app node and all its descendants
  • Copy : duplicates a private app node (and all its descendants) from one user to another
  • Publish : takes a copy of a private app node (and all its descendants) as a public app

Note: if publishing a private app then the status of the new app (as for any new app) will be "draft". The new app will only be visible to all users in consumer mode once it is published from edit mode.

5. Minor Enhancements
  1. Show "No data available..." message rather than error when no data to display on charts due to zero suppression
  2. Tool tip text based on the info value is now displayed for Toolbar and Table pop-ups on mouse-over


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